Cameras and microphones - they are everywhere and they can determine your image and reputation. A minute-long media interview can literally make it or break it for you. What to say and how to say it? How to behave in front of a camera and what (not) to wear? Can our body language and facial expressions clash with our words? How do we gain credibility? Our media training and dry-run press conferences have been attended by CEOs, managers, business people, spokespersons, lawyers and local-authority officials. They gained the practical tools to communicate and engage with the media in their everyday work and not only in crisis situations.

BBC World Service

BBC's Rafał Motriuk on the last Maluch (Fiat 126P) ever built (2000)

Rafał Motriuk for the BBC World Service on Jarosław Kaczyński becoming Poland's PM in 2006.


Polish Press Agency's interview with Rafał on working as a journalist: December 2015

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Radio Opole

Polish Radio's interview with Rafał on sciece journalism

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Radio Trójka

Rafał on gravitational waves on Polish Radio - 13.02.2016


Rafał Motriuk for the Polish TV on terrorist attacks in London in 2005.


Rafał Motriuk for the Polish TV on terrorist attacks in London in 2005.
